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Warden Hill Infant School

Mango Class

New to Year 1 in September 2024

Introduction to Year 1 Powerpoint

Spring Term 2022/2023

This term in Mango Class, the children will be learning Phonics, Literacy, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, D&T, Music, Computing and RE. We aim to make the learning as cross-curricular as possible to really engage the children and so some of the learning will spill across many of the subjects.


In Literacy this term, we will be looking at the book, Traction Man. An action figure with an outfit for every occasion who quickly captures the imagination of the young boy that owns him and we’re confident it will capture the imagination of our children too. Children will have the opportunity to write descriptions, predictions, writing from a character’s perspective and more; Traction man has various opportunities for high quality reading and writing.

Traction Man 

In Science, we will be looking at the properties of materials, evaluating their use in different applications and further to this, children will be designing and creating an outfit for Traction Man in their D&T topic. The knowledge and experience gained from looking at materials in Science will help the children make informed decisions about the materials they would like to use for Traction Man’s outfit. We will be looking for creativity in design and dexterity for joining techniques to make a truly unique costume that the children can be proud of – a wonderful opportunity for all children to exhibit their creativity and show their skills.


In Mathematics, we will be exploring number in the context of place value and then using our knowledge gained to manipulate numbers through addition and subtraction. There will be lots of practical opportunities this term for children to explore mathematics in real-life contexts, such as measuring lengths, heights, weights and volumes.


Our History topic this half term will be looking at Toys, seeing how toys have changed through the years. So don’t be surprised if the children come home asking you what you played with when you were their age. For Geography in the second half of the term, we will be looking at Human and Physical features of Geography; a wonderful opportunity to get a closer look at our local environment and for the children to learn about the immediate world around them.


For computing, we will be looking at the importance of online safety, doing some grouping and sorting using computer software and brushing up on our typing skills. Remember that Purple Mash usernames and passwords have been sent home so that they can access it from there. Feel free to have a look at the extraordinary catalogue of resources that Purple Mash have to offer our children and watch in amazement as they log in and navigate the site independently.


For RE, will be looking at the questions: What makes some places significant? And, what makes some places sacred to believers? By looking firstly at significant places in our own lives, and then applying this to religious people of different faiths and cultures.


I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that our PE uniform is plain black jogging bottoms or shorts as you deem appropriate, and plain white tops. If you feel that the weather is cold and your child needs a jumper, then we ask that you send them into school in their school jumpers. Please may all uniform and belongings contain your child’s name clearly written.


Finally, a reminder that I am available to reach via the school telephone number if you would like to leave a message for me to return your call – or you can send me an email at mango@wardenhillinfant.co.uk and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Thank you for your continued support, I hope you and your families are happy and healthy, and I look forward to another exciting term of learning opportunities.

Yours, always,

Mr Ledger


Mango Class Teacher