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Warden Hill Infant School

Physical Education

PE Leader of Learning: Mrs M Robb

Real PE: Jasmine

At Warden Hill Infant School, we follow the Real PE scheme of learning. It supports our belief that a child centred, broad, holistic approach is needed to create a positive relationship with physical activity for EVERY child.



PE Curriculum Map and Progression of Skills 2025-25

Please see the curriculum map below which includes the progression of skills that the children are working towards.

You will notice that each term is based around a 'cog' which runs throughout the school. 

pe curriculum map 23 24 warden hill infant school.pdf




 Sports Day

 Each year our Sports Day takes place in Summer 2, usually in July. There are 12 different activities for the children to take part in. We encourage children to take part and to try their best. We also split the children up into their houses and collect points to encourage healthy competition. 

We encourage parents to come along and support their children. It is a fun afternoon for all!

The children will begin practising for the event during Summer 1.

Please see a list of the activities below.



Health and Wellbeing Week

Every year we celebrate Health and Wellbeing Week by introducing a vast amount of experiences for the children. Health and Wellbeing Week usually takes place in Summer 2, during the same week at Sports Day. 

In the past we have had yoga sessions, skipping experiences, made fruit kebabs and learned ways to support our own health and wellbeing. Keep an eye out for what is upcoming this year!

Sporting Events 

Throughout the year we take part in a whole host of sporting events.

We always take part in the School Games activities which is supported by BeActive Beds and Sport England. 

School Games

We take part in the Multi Sports activities and the Sportability activities. They revolve around the pillars of 'Play' and 'Develop'. We also have a special event for the Year 2's where they have the opportunity to take part in a football competition against other schools for extra healthy competition.

Throughout the year we also like to invite external professionals in to teach the children a new sport and new skills. Previously this has consisted of sports and skills such as yoga, tennis, badminton and football. We have strong links with ThinkSport and the support team at LTFC and regularly invite them in to work with the children.