Pupil Premium and Sports Premium
Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024
What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
Pupil Premium Funding is the amount of money allocated to schools for each pupil who is eligible.
The aim of this funding is to provide extra support to help your child’s learning and development. Applying for Pupil Premium Funding will not affect your house hold benefits, and the school will continue you receive this grant for 6 years. As such your child will continue to receive this support even if you are no longer entitled to ‘Free Schools Meals’.
Who is eligible for Pupil Premium funding?
- Pupils recorded as ‘Ever 6 FSM’ – i.e. pupils who have been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years
- Looked after or adopted children
- Children of service families
- Children from families in receipt of one of the following benefits:
- Income Support
- Job Seekers Allowance
- An income related support allowance
- Universal Credit
- You have an annual household income less that £16,190
Schools are able to spend Pupil Premium Funding as they feel appropriate. We must report annually how the money has been spent and the impact made on the achievement of pupils.
Funding for 2022-2023 is:
- £1345 per eligible child
- £2345 per child who is ‘looked after’ or adopted
- £300 per service child
Our Core Offer
- Quality First Teaching in every classroom
- Home Learning Support Pack
- Family Learning opportunities, including Maths, Science, Reading and Phonic workshops.
Please try to attend as many of these family events as you can, to support your child’s learning, and to build connections with the school.
Please read our Pupil Premium Strategy for 2022/2023 for details on how the funding has been allocated.
Sports Premium
Please click on the links below for further information about the PE and Sports Premium at Warden Hill Infant School